I'll check that out

At 10:01 AM 8/7/2014, Richard Quilhot Poked the stick with:
UBCD has a utility to created bootable USB drives, with the option to mount
& boot user added iso's

Rick Q

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Steve Tomporowski <didym...@gmail.com>

> If it's the same as my Asus EeePC, then that max it can support is 2gig,
> and that's due to the processor. And, yes, I did try to put more in there,
> but the hardware ignores anything over 2 gig.  I originally thought it was
> Windows 7 Starter (which also has a 2 gig limitation).  The Atom processor
> is the limitation.  Check on Intel's site.
> Steve
> On 8/7/2014 9:22 AM, FORC5 wrote:
>> My netbook needs a fresh install or a repair but has no ROM.
>> any one know of a program that will copy a bootable image to a thumb
>> drive ?
>> actually trying to figure out how much memory this thing will support so
>> I can put w7 in it. Has 1g and while MS says that is enough, (cough)
>> Asus Eee, can not find specs yet at Asus.
>> thanks
>> fp
>> Date:  Thursday, August 7th, 2014
>>         ***Caution Tagline Below***
>>                 **Tallyho**
>> *******************************************
>>    That that is is not that that is not.
>> *******************************************

Date:  Thursday, August 7th, 2014

        ***Caution Tagline Below***
    For him to get a clue would require
          heroic implant surgery.

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