Hello everyone. New Guy here. I have a new Lenovo M83 mini-tower running Win 8.1 64bit Pro OS . While “exploring” the C:\ folder ( BUT not the C:\Windows folder), I either deleted or hid a set of files. I tried to run the System Restore program to recover them.
 I received the following error message:
“System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer’s system files and setting were not changed. Details: System Restore could not access a file. This is probably because an anti-virus program is running on this computer.
Temporarily disable your antivirus program and retry System Restore.
An unspecified error occurred during System Restore (ox80070005)”

I made sure my virus protection software was turned off and ran System Restore a 2nd time. I got the same error message again.

I goggled the error code (ox80070005) and got many confusing entries. Most of the discussion of this error code centers on its popping up during a routine Windows system update, which is not my case.

Has anyone experienced this problem and solved it?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or solutions.

 Regards, Bruce

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men [and women]
stand ready in the night to visit violence on those
who would do us harm." -  George Orwell

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