I have a problem that has something to do with my ASUS P9X79 WS which I believe you are running.

No overclock. All RAM slots are filled with Crucial RAM. There is a video card and a couple of inexpensive SATA controllers... one 2 port external and one two port internal. One Micron SSD, one Samsung EVO, one Raptor and four WD Reds.

The board takes forever to get through POST and then is very slow boot. Right now dual boots Win 8.1 and 10. But once it boots it runs perfectly

When I am in the BIOS it feels slow and sticky. When it posts it slows down a lot when loading the controllers, sometimes it restarts itself to try again. It doesn't matter if I remove the controller it hangs up on, or remove the drives that are plugged into that controller, or disconnect USB devices... so it doesn't give me any indications of what is causing this.

This workstation is mission critical to my business interest so I would hate to have to tear it down and rebuild it testing one piece at a time. Any thoughts on what could be causing this? Thanks

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