Quick search on Amazon turned up some more as well:


On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Steve Tomporowski <didym...@gmail.com>

> Despite the mixed reviews, it seems like UNRAID users had no problem with
> the card.  With 8 ports, it'll exceed my license, which is good.  I'll have
> to look into MB compatibility,  I'm running a LGA775 Intel 'corporate
> stable' model.  I plan on running a cache SSD with the system to speed up
> access, so 3GB/sec might not be an issue.  The current MB probably has a
> mixture of 6 and 3 already.
> Thanks....Steve
> On 7/5/2016 10:46 AM, Brian Weeden wrote:
>> I currently use a pair of these cards in my HTPC box (running FlexRAID):
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816101358
>> I use them under Windows, no experience with the quality of the Linux
>> drivers. But they've been great for the last few years, no issues. Reviews
>> on Newegg have mixed reports about Linux compatibility.
>> Two things to look out for. One, they only support up to 3 GB/S, so
>> they're
>> not as fast as I'd like. Two, even with that speed limitation, you need to
>> be really careful about what motherboard you pair them with to ensure they
>> can work at full speed. I had to go with a server-class LGA 1155 board
>> when
>> I did my last rebuild in 2011.
>> ---------
>> Brian
>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Steve Tomporowski <didym...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I'm upgrading my server (running UNRAID) and at this  point I've run out
>>> of SATA ports on the MB (all 6 full).  So I'm looking for recommendations
>>> on an add-on card, preferably PCI-E (I've got empty slots), but the card
>>> will need Linux drivers.
>>> Any Ideas?
>>> Thanks...Steve

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