Exactly why I DO NOT have one.
refuse to participate. Paranoid I am
At 10:03 AM 11/12/2016, Thane Sherrington Poked the stick with:
On 12/11/2016 12:18 PM, Winterlight wrote:

It might work that way but years later if he has to reinstall it might be a big problem.... unfortuently, there is no way to know. I hate the way they make you use a email address. MS log in account creation for all there different stuff is just one big cluster!!*## .

Your best solution is to let him create an account purchase it. Then you will be able to count on chain of ownership. w
Thanks, Winterlight. You're right, the entire MS Account thing is a mess. Clearly they didn't think it out before they rolled it out.


Date:  Saturday, November 12th, 2016

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      REALITY.SYS corrupted -- Reboot
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