No external drives.  I can boot to a flash drive or DVD (I'm booting to DVD to get into RE.


Are you sure there are no external drives are plugged in? External drives can sometimes re-order the way 10 sees the drives. I have had this happen more then once with windows 10.

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 7:15 PM, Thane K. Sherrington <> wrote:

> I've got a laptop that started giving the dread "inaccessible boot device"
> message in Windows 10.
> I've had this before, and normally I boot to the recovery environment and
> then:
> Rename the current BCD and rebuild it with
> bootrec /fixmbr
> bootrec /fixboot
> bootrec /rebuildbcd
> But this time, I get "access denied" when I do the bootrec /fixboot - all > the other commands succeed and it rebuilds the BCD, but still no boot.  So > I'm convinced it's the fixboot part that isn't working. However, I can't
> find any links in Google that would point in in the right direction.
> Any ideas?
> T

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