appreciate the input
want to go as new as I can so I do not have to do this maybe never ;{(
actually been drawn to the z370 and 8th generation cpu's, seem to be better bang for the buck.
thought I needed onboard eSATA but a add in card should work OK for that.
still poking

At 03:42 PM 12/23/2017, Greg Sevart Poked the stick with:
2011-3 is now a bit long in the tooth. Unless you need a crapton of PCIe
lanes or more than 6 cores, the Z370/LGA1151 (v2) with Coffee Lake is the
platform to get right now IMO.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hardware [] On Behalf
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2017 9:50 AM
Subject: [H] LGA 2011-V3 ?

all this poking around lately to find a small footprint system to run my CNC
mill/engraver has me looking at new MB's and thinking of upgrading my main
confused I am. been awhile since I poked.
MB's I am drawn to seem to all have the LGA 2011-V3 socket and as far as I
see all the CPU's run at 140watts, seems HOT to me. also the more cores the
lower the MHz (?) kind of need external eSATA ports to run my stardock ( for
backup) and these new SSD drives on the M.2 socket have me impressed IF the
specs are accurate at 36mbs data transfer.

the game is a foot.
and Merry Christmas to all
NEED has nothing to do with WANT :{)

Date:  Saturday, December 23rd, 2017

         ***Caution Tagline Below***
  Benign: What you are after you be eight.

Date:  Saturday, December 23rd, 2017

        ***Caution Tagline Below***
      Repetition is the death of art.

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