Maybe a driver?  Could it be an interrupt running the CPU at 100%?


On 28/01/2018 6:18 PM, Bino Gopal wrote:
Shows how tired I am from the flu-realized that after I sent.

But again-it's weird-no process shows as taking up any CPU, but Task Manager 
and Resource Monitor both show the graphs as 100% CPU, all the time, flat-no 
spikes or drops.

But there's no process showing as using that CPU and the lists show the CPU as 

But the computer *thinks* something is taking the CPU b/c not only does it show 
that in TM and RM, but the fans spin up to max, as if something was using the 

And I went and tried shutting down everything from TM, RM and PE and the CPU 
stayed flat at 100% and never went down...

Super strange, no??  I can send screenshots if there's an easy place to put 
them for people to view...

-----Original Message-----
From: Hardware [] On Behalf Of 
Joshua MacCraw
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2018 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [H] PC running at 100% CPU?

Idle is inverse of all other usage, aka not busy 95% is basically not busy.

Use the graph over time to monitor cpu and disk to find the spikes when you're 
not looking.

On Jan 27, 2018 1:42 PM, "Bino Gopal" <> wrote:


Process Explorer (thanks for the rec and link btw guys) says that
"System Idle Process" is grabbing 93-95% CPU...
Task Manager details tab also shows the same thing-"System Idle Process"
PID 0 is grabbing most of the CPU...
But the Resource Monitor Overview and CPU tabs don't show the same
thing...but I can see all 8 cores nicely pegged at 100% on the right
there lol!

The main reason I care (well other than something unknown grabbing all
my CPU which is concerning) is that the fan kicks in at this CPU load
and it makes the normally deathly silent laptop a little loud...

And no AV or Malwarebytes Lopaka...and those should let the CPU go
once they're done running anyway, right?

Definitely strange...I've been pretty sick the last two weeks so
mustering the motivation to do a deep dive into what's going on is
beyond me right now...was hoping for an easy fix...*sigh*

Any other ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Hardware [] On
Behalf Of Joshua MacCraw
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2018 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [H] PC running at 100% CPU?

+1 on SysInternals tools FTW

On Jan 26, 2018 11:11 AM, "Christopher Fisk" <>

Check out process explorer
try to track down the culprit.

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 1:54 PM, lopaka polena <>
You running any AV or malwarebytes on it? I've seen those grab CPU
resources but only for a couple minutes after boot then usually

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 10:42 AM, Bino Gopal

Hey guys, my fancy new MSI laptop (I fixed the random
btw, once I replaced the cracked USB/audio board back in Nov!!)
this weird thing where it goes to 100% CPU shortly after boot
and stays pegged at 100%.

It does this even when totally disconnected from any network and
I did check Task Manager and Resource Monitor (for more detail)
but I
really find any running process that was grabbing the CPU and I
did try shutting down anything that looked suspicious...

Anyone seen this before (Win10 Pro v1709 OS 16299.192 64-bit)
and any ideas...?

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