The contractor that lives with us (best way to do things!) has hearing aids that connect via bluetooth.  He periodically has problems with them.  He showed me once how the volume was going up and down by itself and at times, he has to reset them.  They work with his apple watch and Ipad.  As far as I know, the only place he has problems is in the house here.  Is there a good way to track down whatever is interfering with his hearing aids?

The primary place where he has problems is the living room. Beneath that is my computer room, but I've turned off wireless and bluetooth on the two computers down here.  So there is nothing using wireless or bluetooth directly beneath the living room. I only have a wireless printer running in the next room over and today I've shut off the 2.4 ghz on my router, also in the next room.  Upstairs is another matter and I have to deal with my wife about that.

I've tried bluetooth and wireless apps on the phone but that doesn't seem to give me any info.  So, any ideas?


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