I was getting that same error a while back. It was happening for about a
month every day or two, and sometimes all through the day I'd have hard
lockups. I stress tested the hardware and everything passed but I would
notice long pauses at times that seemed to be related to accessing an older
HDD. Turned out it was a failing seagate HDD, although that drive passed
every test I ran on it. For the hell of it I copied all the data from the
drive that seemed to be pausing too often, to another 4TB HDD and pulled
the original HDD and haven't had a problem since. It seemed weird because
the error is generic and doesn't point to any specific hardware issue.



On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 1:12 PM Bobby Heid <bh...@sc.rr.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have had some issues going on with my pc for several months now.
> There are two issues.
> 1.      Once every several weeks or so, I get a bluescreen -
> IPI_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT.  I can live with this one.  Things that I have tried
> to fix this do not seem to have helped.
> 2.      The big issue is that my PC keeps locking up.  This happens from
> 0-5
> times per day.  I may go 3 days without it happening and then have it
> happen
> 3 times in one day.  Here are some details:
> a.      When it locks up, the HD activity light is doing a very fast,
> steady
> flash.
> b.      There is no warning when it will happen.
> c.      It happens whether I am using the PC or not.
> d.      Seems to happen more often overnight than during the day. But not
> always.
> e.      When it locks up, I can still move the mouse cursor and move
> windows.  I cannot close a window or start another program.
> f.      When it locks up when not using PC, sometimes the login screen
> image
> will show, sometimes not.
> g.      CTL-Alt-Delete does nothing when locked.
> h.      PC stays up 24/7.  No sleep or hibernation.
> i.      When it locks up, if the system is recording a show (from a
> networked TV Tuner), the recording stops, so I assume that most apps are
> not
> still running when it locks up.
> j.      If a recording was scheduled while it is locked up, nothing is
> created.
> k.      To reset, I have to press and hold the power button until the
> system
> turns off.
> l.      Through trial and error, it seems that turning off letting the
> monitors going to sleep seems to have lessened the frequency of the lock
> ups.  I am not sure if this was not just a coincidence.
> Here are my system specs:
> *       Asus X99 Deluxe-II MB
> *       Intel i7-6850k CPU (not overclocked)
> *       Asus GeForce GTX 1070
> *       Corsair water cooler
> *       Corsair 32GB RAM
> *       Samsung 960 Pro SSD (512GB) - OS
> *       Samsung 860 EVO SSD 1TB
> *       WD 5TB Black
> *       Pioneer Blu Ray drive
> *       Dual monitors
> *       Corsair HX-850 PSU
> *       Corsair K70 LUX keyboard
> *       Logitech MX Master mouse
> *       Windows 10 Pro - 2004 - 19041.508
> I am not too keen on a nuke and install.  It would take me forever to get
> everything back the way it was.  But I am not ruling that out.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Bobby

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