You don't say if you're accessing the site via HTTP or HTTPS - I'd guess HTTPS. You need to have a valid certificate for HTTPS to work automatically for all clients (and some can't even be made to accept an invalid certificate manually). There's no way for a site to tell the client "no this certificate is valid" - or bad sites would just do that and malware would be even worse.

You'll have to get a valid certificate for the site and configure the netsol host to use it. This is a great application for a free Let's Encrypt cert instead of a paid certificate (which I'm almost certain Network Solutions would be happy to sell you otherwise). You may be better off looking for a different host that does LE out of the box and just leaving DNS with netsol if they don't offer LE today.

On 2021-01-26 12:29 p.m., _ Winterlight wrote:
I have a website hosted with network solutions. It is the cheapest one they 
sell. I don't want it to come up on search and I have robots.txt  in the root 
to prevent this.
I don't even have an entry page as I use it primarily to post accessible data 
for my own use. Occasionally, I will post something like a lease for a new 
tenant to review or a video for a friend to stream.
I think some of my friends are having trouble with my posted links due to a lack of 
some kind of security issues on my site. I don't have a problem with it as I just 
tell the browser to ignore it and let me through but my friends, particular using 
phones have a problem in that the link won't even appear. What is my site missing and 
how do I overcome this? thanks <w>

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