Ok, I need some advice from people I trust.  The company I work for had transitioned from in-house IT to Bell Technologies, so we obviously swimming in 'tickets'.  We have a main data drive on the network, the 'K' drive and I've had a ticket in for about 8 months now on slow transfers.  The symptoms are this:  When transferring a number of files from a laptop/desktop, there will be data transfer for about 1 to 2 seconds, then 20 to 30 seconds of nothing.  Rinse and repeat.  I've also noticed that if you transfer a single file, most of the time it will transfer 99%, then you have 20 to 30 seconds of waiting until it finishes.

Now to the question.  I've just been told that slow transfers happen when there is low disk space.  Obviously we have a lot of users accessing the network drive but the slow phenomenon wasn't present some time ago and has been persisting for a couple of years now.  Is this third-party IT organization correct or blowing smoke.  I have been lied to before by them.


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