Truthfully this is probably the most correct answer--while a fine system in its 
day, the P9X79 platform is easily eclipsed even with the most budget-friendly 
builds today.

That being said, I just went and found my old P9X79 WS board. It's been a few 
years since it's been in service, but you are welcome to it if you want to try 
a replacement board.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hardware <> On Behalf Of lopaka 
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [H] P9X79_WS with i7-4930K has failed me

I was wondering if anyone was still using the list. Hey Thane :)

My recommendation would be all new everything and check your components once 
you have a running system. New cpu/mobo at least. If you know anybody with 
spare parts you could try to figure out what is still working but it will take 
more time



On Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 3:15 AM Thane K. Sherrington <> wrote:

> You are showing your age.  They are DIMMS now. :)
> I'd try a single DIMM in each socket.  Does this motherboard have a 
> RAM config button (some do).  If so, try that.
> Have you tried a different power supply?  I've had power supplies 
> which will power up the motherboard but not allow it to boot.
> T
> On 03-Dec-2023 3:54 p.m., _ Winterlight wrote:
> > After 10 years my E6896_P9X79_WS with i7-4930K has failed me.   My
> original setup was running fine but one day it wouldn’t boot and the 
> board reported a CPU error. I cleaned the dust off the board and did a 
> major cleaning of the CPU fan and heat sink and it seemed to run just 
> fine. I had a couple extra RAM SIMMS so I decided to install them. 
> What I had installed was 4 CRUCIAL DDR 3 4GB SIMM running at 1866. 
> What I added into bank two was two 8GB CRUCIAL DDR3 running at 1600. 
> It didn’t seem to recognize all the RAM so I went into the BIOS to try 
> different settings. I enabled Auto Memory frequency settings saved and 
> exited out. This is when my troubles began.
> >
> > The PC hung at post. I saw nothing on the screen just a black screen.
> At first I thought something must of got corrupt so I tried auto 
> flashing the BIOS but it wasn’t working normally so I tried clearing 
> the bios with the on board pin, and finally I pulled everything off 
> the board, removed it from the case and let it sit in it’s box for a 
> month. Then I cleaned everything and put it back together but same problem.
> >
> > It occurred to me that maybe the CPU burned out when the fan slowed 
> > down
> and then my memory bios adjustment finished it off. So I purchased a 
> used but tested CPU on Ebay and tried again. Same issue. I hate to 
> just throw this board away but I am out of ideas. Anybody have any 
> ideas to jump start the board? Thanks <w>

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