> Christoph Mair wrote:
> > Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> > [Álvaro Lopes So  23. August 2009]:
> > > This line powers two LIS302DL accelerometers, which draw 0.4mA max each. 
> > This gives less than 1mA. This gives enough room for power output, so 
> > your
> > > problem lies in VB_SYS (not enough current to feed the LDOs),
> > 
> > unlikely, FR wouldn't work at all of that was the case I guess.
> > 
> > > a shortened caps (C1718), broken LIS203DL... 
> > 
> > hmm, doesn't make a good story with the whole bunch of observed strange 
> > behaviour
> > > 
> > > What voltage do you see in VB_SYS, on those scenarios ? Can you also 
> > > check voltahe PMU GPIO1 pin (TP1740) when phone is in suspend mode ?
> I will check the voltage at TP1704 now.
Voltage on TP1704 during normal operation: 3.44V
during suspend: 120mV
The accelerometers aren't broken, altishock works perfectly :)


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