MIMOS Enterprise PHP TechTalk 2010


*** FREE ***

Be part of the wave!

Join us at ENTERPRISE PHP TECHTALK 2010 as we continue to promote PHP
awareness, best practices and its usage in enterprise cloud computing.
This event is a part of our PHP Centre of Excellence (CoE) program to
contribute back to the community and support innovation growth. PHP

The highlight of the event is the keynote speech from Siddhartha
Agarwal (Vice President, Americas and Emerging Markets Field
Operations, Zend), Hans Zaunere (President and Founder, New York PHP)
, Rama Yurindra (CTOs Rynet Singapore, President Director PHP
Indonesia) ,Ahmad Amran (CEO AIST, PHP Malaysia Community) and many


Date :  27th - 28th January 2010
Time :  1pm – 5pm (27th January 2010)
8.30am – 5pm (28th January 2010)


MIMOS Berhad,
Technology Park Malaysia,
57000 Kuala Lumpur

Register Now

*Seats are limited on a first come first served basis. Register HERE
to avoid disappointment. It's FREE!


Who Should Attend

CTOs, Software Architects, PHP Developers, Technopreneurs, PHP Geeks and you!


Day 1

13:00-14:00     Arrival of Guests and registration
14:00-14:15     Welcoming Remarks by Mr. Nagendran Perumal, Snr.
Director, SDCE MIMOS
14:15-15:10     Why Enterprises are Adopting PHP by Siddhartha Agarwal
,VP Americas and Emerging Markets Field Operations, Zend
15:10-15:40     Break
15:40-16:20     PHP in Cloud computing by Zeev Surasky ,CTOs, Zend

Day 2

08:30-09:00     Arrival of Guests and registration
09:00-09:45     MySQL and PHP - State of the Union Connectors, Best
Practices, Performance, and the "Cloud" by Hans Zaunere ,President and
Founder, New York PHP
09:45-10:30     Rama Yurindra ,CTOs Rynet Pte Ltd
10:30-11:00     Break
11:00-11:45     DA With WA (Desktop Apps With Web Apps) by Errazudin
Ishak ,Snr. Engineer MIMOS Berhad
11:45-12:30     PHundamental Security, Ecosystem Review, Coding Secure
with PHP, and Best Practices by Hans Zaunere ,President and Founder,
New York PHP
12:30-14:00     Lunch
14:00-14:45     Zend
14:45-15:30     Slipstream : Rapid Application Design by Ahmad Amran ,
CEO AIST, PHP Malaysia
15:30-16:00     Break
16:00-16:45     Zend
16:45-17:00     Closing, Lucky Draw



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