Ascended Master St. Germain and the Silver-Violet Flame Channeled 

by John Armitage/Hari Das Melchizedek


I Am Germain, keeper of the Violet Flame, or the Violet Flame with the added 
dimension of the Silver-Violet Flame. Because, as times change and the 
vibrations are accelerated, we have to add other colors to assist those that 
you've already been using. 


So, the Silver-Violet Flame. There are many things you can do with it. One 
thing you can do is use it to consume all your negative feelings and emotions. 
Just consign all that aggravates you in that way into the Silver-Violet Flame. 
So, when you find your thoughts moving in directions that you don't want them 
to move, thoughts that are interrupting the flow of Christ energy into your 
physical body, when you work out what these interruptions are (as time goes on 
it becomes much easier for ones to do this) just consign them into the 
Silver-Violet Flame. 


There are mantras you can use. of course, it means that you have to add the 
Silver bit to the Violet Flame mantras. The most useful or easiest many ones 
find to use is.... 




Now, I give this mantra to you to use in your daily livesfor several reasons. 
One is that this is a cleansing effect.You could say that the Silver-Violet 
Flame mantras are spiritual antiseptics. You can flood your consciousness, your 
minds, your physical bodies, with this spiritual antiseptic, and all will 
become clean. And, if you chant this mantra in the mornings when in your bath 
or on the loo, you will find that it brings the Silver-Violet color, the 
Silver-Violet energy into your space, into your living room, and of course, 
this heightens the vibration. We're not suggesting you take this system of 
chanting on beads or an exact number of mantras every day, or taking it up as a 
disipline in that way. Although, if you are going to take up the chanting of 
mantra, chant it day after day. 


This is one mantra that is very worthwile to think about. Just use it in your 
daily lives. Chant it a few times a day, and you will find that everything 
starts to become Silver-Violet. The vibration gets into the walls of your 
house, into the metal work of your cars, into the metals of your cars, into the 
metals of your jewelry, into your energy system, both physical and spiritual. 
You will actually start shining Silver-Violet. So, we can chant a few 
repetitions and see the vibrations.

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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