Saya sebenernya juga gak ngerti ttg higher self mas..
Kalo tanya bang gerry kemungkinan jawabannya juga kita disuruh tanya sendiri ke 
higher selfnya.. Hehehhe.. (Ampun..maap..jangan disambit..)
☺ ☺ ☺ 
Kayaknya sih dia meliputi seluruh badan dan kesadaran kita.. Apalagi kl disuruh 
Kata bang gerry dia ya kita juga..
Ada bacaan bilang dia ya kita juga di dimensi yg lain..

Senangnya punya teman senasib..

&^ ⌣ ^& 


-----Original Message-----
From: Arief Pribadi <>

Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 13:21:24 
To: <>
Subject: [HU] Re: DNA Activation:sharing


mbak mirza higher self apa mungkin tempat tinggalnya di otak kecil?soalnya
saya kalo supply energy ke higher self disitu signalnya terasa,sharing saya gerry bener gk nih?

apa higher self saya telah menyatu dengan diri saya nih om yah??apa DNA saya
telah ada perubahan juga persis pengalamannya mbak mirza saya cuma niat aja
pake kundalini dan shambala to be 12 strands soalnya visualizenya gk canggih
sih,maklum SIM belajaran hehehehe:-))


On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 6:58 AM, •MIRZA• <> wrote:

> Bang Gerry dan Mas Herman saya share disini ya.. Mungkin ada yg tiba2
> merasakan sesuatu habis nonton video ini..bisa menolong kalo mirip.. :)
> Sebelumnya saya sudah merasakan sesuatu aktif di atas cakra jantung tp gak
> tau apa.. Setelah tau bahwa itu kelenjar thymus, dlm hal ini berhubungan
> dengan DNA activation dan Light Body.. (Tp tetep gak ngerti gimananya..)
> Pulang ke rumah baca email Mas Herman ttg DNA.. Tiba2 ada inner call. Pas
> merem saya liat si double helix. Saya gak bisa visalisasi. Dia keliatan aja
> tiba2.. Berhubung masih inget sama isi emailnya langsung aja saya tambahin
> jadi 12.. Nambahanya juga gak pake diitung.. Pokoknya nambah..kaya rambut
> diplintir2.. Ak gak tau giana gambarnya yg 12 mlintir.. So be creative aja
> kali ya..
> Gak lama ada sesuatu naik dr thymus ke tenggorokan, naik lagi ke kepala
> bawah belakang, naik lagi ke tengah kepala.. Tiba2 dari atas (mahkota) ada
> aliran yg deras kaya berdiri di bawah pancuran yg sampe agak sakit2.. Ini
> aliran paling deras yg saya rasakan.. Kaki kesemutan..
> Untung bang gerry pas online jadi saya minta liatin apa yg terjadi..
> Katanya ada aliran dr atas dan bawah dan dna nya juga berubah..
> Waaaw.. Bengong jadinya..
> It's just happenned..
> Kalau dirasakan kepala rasanya jadi panjang, lonjong, mekar..
> Penuh sekali... Seluruh badan juga penuh energi.
> Besoknya, tiba2 saya merasa kelenjar di bawah dada ikutan aktif juga.. Trus
> dingin dan naik ke atas. Tymusnya juga dingin.. Mungkin dia kesana..☺
> Yg saya temukan memng 7 kelenjar akan diaktifkan..
> Trus nemu juga artikel yg bilang bahwa sistem cakra baru akan terbentuk..13
> cakra.. Waktu saya tes panggil mereka pada nyaut.. Ya mungkin sudah
> terbentuk karna tempat barunya ya di kelenjar andrenalin di bawah sekat
> rongga dada, tymus, daerah otak kecil.. Yg kemaren sudah bereaksi juga..
> (
> Trus saya memutuskan karna gak mengerti ttg prosesnya, saya alihkan ke
> higher self aja.. Autopilot..sambil dikontrol sesekali..
> Itu pengalaman saya, mungkin bisa membantu. Bener kata mas Christ saya
> sebenarnya segan mau crita.. Tp mungkin akan banyak yg dna nya aktif sendiri
> dan butuh teman sharing kaya saya.. (T_T)
> Crita ttg tymus aktif juga lucu karna saya newbee banget..
> Saya diinsiasi merkaba sama bang gerry.. Dan gak tau harus gimana
> setelahnya.. Disuruh coba panggil higher self atau gak ada
> respon.. Karna juga gak tau gimana responnya..
> Sampai suatu hari dibantu bang gerry ktnya higherselfnya sudah
> disebelahku.. Silahkan omong2ngan.. Waaaww.. Gak ngerti mau ngomong apa.. Tp
> terasa ada sesuatu disebelah kanan..
> Kata bang gerry dia belum menyatu.. Ya sudah saya suruh menyatu sambil
> bingung2 gitu..
> Rasanya si higherself nya pindah ke tengah.. Melingkupi saya.. Waah..
> Beneran nih..
> Trus dr cakra jantung ada yg naik ke tymus (waktu itu belum tau kl itu
> tymus). Saya pikir higher self tempatnya disitu.. Karna setiap saya panggil,
> higher self km dimana.. Daerah situ merespon..
> ☺ malu nih ketauan bego nya.. Tp mungkin menginspirasi ya lain..
> L&L,
> &^ ⌣ ^&
> |C|H|A|C|A|
> ------------------------------
> *From*: "Herman Adriansyah"
> *Date*: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 09:19:42 -0700
> *To*: <>
> *Subject*: [HU] DNA Activation
> Ini hyper Link movie DNA Activation
> "Using Nature as my inspiration, Dancing Helix is a visual metaphor
> into the mystery of the rhythmical formative patterns
> that lie behind all we see and experience. Dancing Helixis a springboard
> for the imagination and brings the viewer both peace and energy."
>                                                -Laury Ostrow, creator
> Your Dancing Helix will have rainbow colored faceted plastic beads or Lead
> Clear Glass Crystals on the each side. The leaded crystal weight at the
> bottom of the Dancing Helix acts as light reflectors that project multitudes
> of rainbows on your floors, walls and ceiling if placed by a direct Light
> Source. You can get the Dancing Helix in 2 different lengths and 2 different
> colored beads (rainbow & clear) to suit any location you would like to place
> them in.
> It comes with a motor (see pic) that keeps the DNA spiral constantly
> spinning. The motor comes with an AC receptacle, you need to provide the
> transformer. Otherwise, it uses two "D" batteries. The other features
> include intermittent cycle, which makes a huge difference in the complexity
> of the wave. It has 3 different settings - On/off/intermittent - an 8 hour
> timer and can be acitvated with any household infrared remote control which
> will turn it on or off from a distance. Be sure to watch the video clip
> above to get a better picture of this engaging energetic sculpture.
> Laury worked with Terence McKenna on his Time Wave Zero project, modeling
> time as a vortex. Using the vortex as a model for the nature of our reality,
> Dancing Helix is a way of bringing this pattern, and a language to talk
> about it, into people homes and lives. "My feeling is that we are here to
> grasp, understand and share the pattern that brings us here and is here to
> help us in leaving.
> The Dancing Helix was the staff carried by Mercury, the divine intermediary
> between heaven and earth. Its later association as the symbol of Asclepius,
> the Greek god of medicine and healing, led to its current universality as
> the glyph for all healers. Its image is a vertical staff with two serpents
> entwined alongside, often in 3 loops, heads up, with a pair of open wings at
> the top. Quite a potent visual image!
> The Dancing Helix is a window into many great mysteries. It has to do with
> the Kundalini energy; the Chi energy; the male/female energy. It is about
> the rhythmic undulating movement that twines around a stable central rod. It
> is the spine alive with life's energies. It is the core of being that
> becomes animated. It is about how vitality moves into life and life moves
> into spirit. Clearly we see and recognize what the medical profession has
> forgotten: that healing energy moves in spiraling wave patterns.
> Our Dancing Helix is a visual model of this mystery. It is a kinetic
> impulse of energy sent through a medium that has linear order and
> elasticity. Science perceives in the Dancing Helix a slow-wave discrete
> element torsional transmission line. We recognize its beauty and hypnotic
> calming ability.
> To us it looks like an undulating DNA helix; a spiral wave resounding up
> and down; a pattern that trans-forms from seemingly chaotic randomness to
> perfectly ordered sequence in a blinking of the eye. It is like watching the
> turbidity of a stream or the pounding of waves on the shore, only one that
> is uniquely linear and suspended in our living space.
> Gazing at the Dancing Helix is a relaxing meditative event. Yet, it
> enlivens and inspires the imagination. As we watch the Dancing Helix wind
> and unwind we can move our breath with it and relax our bodies. We can
> gently bring movement to our spine in resonance to the movement of Dancing
> Helix and feel our own Kundalini activated.
> It brings us healing by our association with its rhythm. It leads us to the
> portal were words fall short and patterns are potent with power. Just as
> visiting the ocean or being close to a mountain stream is both meditative
> and energizing, so is the Dancing Helix.
> When the sunlight shines through the Dancing Helix, filling our living
> space with thousands of rainbows, we are enlivened as we remember the divine
> promise of hope made to us so long ago.
> >

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

Milis HU Internasional:

**** HU Databases List :
Mendaftar Inisiasi HU by Pillar: (6 Juli 09)
Daftar yg membutuhkan Healing :
Inisiasi Shamballa MDH Level 1: (27 Juni 09)
Inisiasi Shamballa MDH Level 2: (13 Juli 09)

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