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Dolphin Breathing
Copyright © 2002 
James Deacon  

The Dolphin Breathing practice is a simple yet profoundly beneficial one. It 
can be practiced either standing, or seated on a chair, stool or bench, or in a 
crosslegged posture or in the seiza posture, or whilst reclining. 

Choose a time and place where you are unlikely to be disturbed - initially 5 
-10 minutes will be quite sufficient for practice - with time you may want to 
increase this.Take off your shoes. And wherever you are doing this exercise - 
indoors or out, make sure (if standing, or seated on the floor) the 
floor/ground is both comfortable and warm. Do not practice this on cold 
floors/ground, do not practice in the cold, generally.

If you are doing this standing up, begin by standing with your feet about 
shoulder-with apart, arms by your sides.If seated, sit up straight (comfortably 
so - no need for rigid military-style posture - this will only impede the 
technique). Rest your hands, palms down, on your legs.If reclining, rest your 
arms by your sides. 

Having 'hara-centred' oneself, become loosely focussed on the natural rhythms 
of your breathing. The term used is 'watching the breath' - this implies 
non-interference with the natural process of respiraton. Do not seek to 
consciously breathe - merely be aware that you are breathing effortlessly.  

After a few moments, you should begin to imagine that, just like a dolphin, you 
have a 'breathing hole' on the top of your head - and that you are already 
(again effortlessly) breathing through this opening - the air travelling 
between this opening and your lungs, along a channel through the centre of your 

This 'breathing hole' awareness should be maintained for a few minutes.

Over time, the duration of Dolphin Breathing will gradually be increased, yet 
no 'effort' will ever be involved.       
** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **
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