Salam harmonis!

Karena ada beberapa permintaan akan inisiasi ini, saya arahkan agar kita 
mengambilnya melaluii jejaring cahaya. Silahkan mengikuti meditasi bersama pada 
hari Jum'at besok untuk mengambilnya. Niatkan mengambilnya dari jejaring cahaya 
untuk perkembangan diri kita.

Semoga berguna untuk teman2 sekalian.

Love Wisdom Power,


-----Original Message-----
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 03:36:19 
To: HU<>
Subject: Re: [HU] Divine DNA

Mbak Arum,

You can ask bang Gerry freely... ;)

Inisiasi ini sangat powerful sekali, utk mengharmoniskan tubuh fisik, dan 
tubuh2 eterik kita.. 

Salam harmonis,

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-----Original Message-----
From: Arum <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 10:28:05 
Subject: Re: [HU] Divine DNA

Very nice article. Ada info ttg yg sdh master qualification di  
Indonesia ? Any workshop n training about it

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 3, 2010, at 8:58 PM, wrote:

> Divine DNA is the name of a powerful process, developed with the  
> help of Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron and Melchizedek that  
> will change your life. Divine DNA repairs DNA, including the  
> chromosomes and genes, and removes any harmful programs such as  
> those for disease or negative habits. The process connects to life  
> energy and enhances DNA by creating new, positive potentials. Losing  
> one's connection to life energy is the underlying cause of many  
> chronic health problems.
> Divine DNA only makes changes that are beneficial and works at a  
> pace that is just right for you. It also only acts in accordance  
> with free will and will not make any changes that you do not want.  
> In fact it is so in accordance with free will that if you decide  
> that you do not want it any more then it will automatically  
> uninstall itself. (And then if you change your mind and want it back  
> again it will reattune you). The Attunement and AfterThis attunement  
> acts as an invitation to Divine DNA to work on you. The Divine DNA  
> process is initiated when you are attuned and then continues to run  
> quietly in the background whenever it is needed. Attunement to  
> Divine DNA can be made by any Divine DNA Master. The Master is  
> simply someone who has been attuned to a further level, giving them  
> the authority to attune others. The attunement can be done either  
> remotely or in person, so although you may need to arrange a time  
> for the attunement you do not need to arrange a place to meet.As  
> soon as you are attuned, the Divine DNA process will start. You may  
> feel very tired or woozy for half an hour or so, so you need to make  
> sure that you will be somewhere safe and quiet. No driving! You may  
> find that this feeling of wooziness returns regularly over the next  
> few days or weeks. After the Attunement You may begin to feel an  
> improvement in your health and wellbeing after only a few days but  
> up to three months can be needed to fully implement the changes to  
> your DNA. After this initial period you will notice positive changes  
> taking place in your life and it is now that you can choose to speed  
> up your healing, personal development and spiritual growth by  
> activating your new potentials. Any changes that you decide to make  
> in your life will now be much easier to carry out.Some examples of  
> how this works:You have tried many times to break a bad habit but it  
> is too hard. Now you try again and it is easier. You find that  
> regularly saying, out loud or inside, “giving up (bad habit)”  
> helps. And so does saying “resisting temptation”.You know you  
> have lots of underlying anger but have been unable to let it go. Now 
>  you decide to have another go and try again.You say “releasing ange 
> r” and some of it leaves. Repeating this process over a few days or  
> weeks you manage to release it all. Saying “releasing all anger”  
> and “releasing each anger” also helps. You choose to learn a new  
> skill. Before Divine DNA it seemed impossible. Now it seems like rem 
> embering something you already knew. Someone is annoying you. You sa 
> y inside “loving” or “forgiving” and you no longer feel  
> annoyed. Experiment. Generally it is best to use verbs in_ing form,  
> such as “calming”, “relaxing” and “praying”.For healing  
> on all levels try saying:“bringing in healing”,“bringing in  
> healing energy” and“bringing in healing love”. Each feels  
> slightly different. Try also:“filling myself with Love”  
> and“sending Love to ......”. Clearing AttunementAfter you have  
> been attuned to the DNA symbol for a month or so you will automatica 
> lly have access to the Clearing Attunement. The Clearing Attunement  
> has three parts. Firstly it clears your entire being of negative and 
> /or harmful energies, presences, cords and more. Then it works towar 
> ds your healing, personal development and spiritual growth by releas 
> ing and removing any and all fear, anger, hate, jealousy, attachment 
> , aversion etc. There are thousands of items on this list. It would  
> be too much to do all this work in one session so only as much as ca 
> n safely be released in one go will be dealt with. Finally, to fill  
> the space that has been made by all that letting go you are filled w 
> ith Love and Life. To run simply say “Clearing Attunement”.If you  
> want to stop the process say “stopping”.Warning: The Clearing  
> Attunement is very strong. It is primarily designed for impatient pe 
> ople who can't wait to make spiritual progress. Running it regularly 
>  dramatically accelerates spiritual development and raises conscious 
> ness. But there is a cost in terms of detoxification symptoms, physi 
> cal and emotional. The more often you run it the worse these symptom 
> s will be. Do not run more than once a day. And remember you can cho 
> ose to run it only once a week or once a month or once in a blue moo 
> n. Energy and Space ClearingThere are many methods used for clearing 
>  rooms or other spaces of negative energy. This is usually called Sp 
> ace Clearing. A quick and easy method for anyone attuned to the Divi 
> ne DNA symbol is simply to say “Space Clearing”. If you want to  
> space clear a wider area then simply say “this building/park/ town:  
> energy clearing” or you can even energy clear somewhere a distance a 
> way: “(name of place): energy clearing”. It is also possible, and  
> useful, to clear the energy of food and drink and any medications. F 
> or this, say “Energy Clearing”
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung T 
> eruuusss...!
> -- 
> Quote:
> ** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and  
> religion will become scientific. Disagreements between science and  
> religion will come to an end, and people will begin to comprehend  
> that both spirit and matter are derived from the same source, and  
> are only modifications of the One Universal Energy **
> ****
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** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **
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** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **
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List events inisiasi di group HU & registrasi di :

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **
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