Hi Everyone,

As part of a discussion on IRC, Geir suggested a need for further
diagrams/documentation - possibly with a few more colours :)

I've therefore put together the first in (I hope) a series of diagrams
to help illustrate structural, architectural or functional areas of a
Java platform.

I've started with what I'm most familiar with, an overview of common GUI
toolkits for the Java platform[1][2] and hope to create more from
suggestions on this list and elsewhere.

Comments and suggestions are heartily welcomed, by email or over IRC...


[1] http://odonata.tangency.co.uk/blog
[2] direct image link

P.S. Fine print, this diagram is Creative Commons ShareAlike Licensed -
just to leave no loose ends.

Stephane Meslin-Weber         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Engineer             Web: http://odonata.tangency.co.uk

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