On 5/13/05, Kev Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > So speak up project lead(s). We are here. We are talking a lot, but
> > not much is happening. Order us about. Assign work. Let's get our
> > hands dirty. The likelihood is that there will be changes along the
> > way anyhow. There almost always are, and developers dedicated to the
> > project will simply have to adapt.
> >
> couldn't agree more, the more 'talking' happening here, the less
> progress seems to be made. The guys rant on bile blog had some points
> about people here talking and waiting for a code drop from
> IBM/Sun/whoever. I'd like to help on this I really would, but I need a
> direction, what are we doing here? Is it a glue classpath to kaffe to
> xxx? Is it a write everything from scratch? If we want to get started
> we need some code, without it we're just wasting everyone's time

How are you wasting replying to emails and undertaking a discussion.

If you think spending time on a good design phase is a waste of time on such 
a massive project theres something wrong...


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