I think it's too slow to have the overhead of a function call for
every object allocation. This is the cost of modularization. I doubt
any of the mainstream JVMs you are competing with do this.



On 17 May 2005 18:27:42 -0600, Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "David" == David Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David> Maybe a concrete example would help. Let's say you have a GC module
> David> written in C. One of it's API calls is to allocate a new object. How
> David> is your JIT module going to produce code to use that API? Via a C
> David> function pointer?
> Yes.
> One way is to mandate link- or compile-time pluggability only.  Then
> this can be done by name.  Your JIT just references
> '&harmony_allocate_object' in its source and uses this pointer
> in the code it generates.
> The other way is to have the JIT call some central function to get a
> pointer to the allocator function (or functions, in libgcj it turned
> out to be useful to have several).  This only needs to be done once,
> at startup.
> For folks interested in pluggability, I advise downloading a copy of
> ORP and reading through it.  ORP already solved these problems in a
> fairly reasonable way.
> Tom

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