I think jikesrvm can be executed from another JVM, this should make 
debugging easy.

> > The problem of Java written JVM/JIT isn't one of performance. You can
> > theoretically achieve the same performance (although I'm not 100%
> > convinced, I'm partially there)
> It is reasonable to model the performance of a Java runtime in several
> aspects, especially throughput and interactivity (start-up time).
> JIT (and JVM) written in Java can achieve the same throughput as one
> written in C/C++/etc. But good start-up time / interactivity are more
> difficult to achieve and have to be elaborated.
> Part of a runtime written in Java has to be interpreted, or compiled
> before executed. Throughput is sacrificed when interpreted and
> interactivity is sacrificed when compiled.
> Another possible disadvantage, which might not be discussed, is
> reflective nature of Java-written JVM. This has been appealed as one of
> strong points in this list so far as removing boundary of
> languages. But we have to consider maintenance and debugging of the 
> runtime.
> Java-written JIT is compiled by itself eventually. In the case,
> debugging will become pretty hard. Of course, such a runtime will have
> another interpreter or a baseline compiler (written in C/C++?) and
> Java-written JIT can be debugged exhaustively. But such a reflective
> nature certainly makee debugging harder.
> I myself do not have any experience on development of Java-written JIT
> and then I am not very sure how it makes maintainance and debugging
> harder. There have been a few Java-written JIT, Jikes RVM and OpenJIT
> and we may be able to have input from the developers of them if we hope.
> Kazuyuki Shudo [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.shudo.net/

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