Weldon Washburn wrote:
On 5/19/05, Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is why I would like Harmony to have two VMs, one written in java
and one written in C-or-friends: this would give us

Well, I suspect if we design the interfaces correctly, we could do the
above with one JVM instead of two.   Two competing Harmony
implementations means ultimately one of them must die.  Harmony really
needs one quickly evolvable code base.

I'm not sure I believe that - it seems entirely plausible to me that versions with different targets can happily coexist. This is particularly true if we succeed with the modularity aim - look at httpd - there are several different ways to do any particular thing, and with good reason. Obviously there is some immutable core, but that's relatively small.

 The concept is to write the
JVM in 100% C/C++ today.   Rationale:  C/C++ is battle tested for
building OS and compiler systems.  Set a goal of rewritting the JIT in
Java/C# by 2007.  If IT shops are happy deploying Harmony with the JIT
written in Java, then set a goal of rewriting 90% of the VM in Java/C#
by 2009.

You'd still need the bootstrapping non-Java VM for this, wouldn't you?

1) the goal of making things modular enough to allow to swap things
around and allow parallel development

Yes! Although it will be more challenging to create interfaces that will work for both Java and C/C++, I suspect the end result will be worthwhile.

Geir and I have been discussing this, I think we should try to put together a more concrete proposal.



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