On May 23, 2005, at 9:35 PM, Renaud BECHADE wrote:

>It would be great if people would bundle Harmony with stuff (and plan >to do it w/ Geronimo when that time comes), bit it's way out of scope >for *this* project to get into the business of reditributing software
>from outside of the ASF.

Hum... I still think there is a minimum distribution effort to be done (call that marketing if you want) to get people to actually test the VM, as in the beginning it might be very, very, very unlikely that absolutely everything runs out of the box as replacement for J2SE 5 or 6... So we will need to
help them try it out.

Yes! And this is classic behavior for OSS projects - once you have something useful, you go out and proselytize, helping other projects see the value, and use it.

So you go out and get Eclipse to bundle with it, you get Geronimo to bundle with it, you get JBoss to bundle with it, you get JOnAS to bundle with it, you get Tomcat to bundle with it, you get....

And then you learn from their bundling efforts and make the thing even easier to use in that way.

But distributing Eclipse or JBoss from here?  No....

Just think of it in OS terms as a
micro-bootable-live-CD-to-demo-it-actually-works-on-useful-cases (a stuff for decision makers). Bundling with 1 or 2 apps we/the ASF did not write is not to be covered by NIH syndrome in my opinion, but rather a way to prove it actually works to decision makers. (After all, mono bundles mono with monodevelop [or rather monodevelop with mono, I think], and Sun bundles
Netbeans with J2SE...)

I'd prefer we don't re-distribute other people's software unless part of the distribution for which the Apache project provides top-line value.


To come back to more soft-only concerns, IMHO providing distributors with the minimum tool they need to polish the VM-to-VM discrepancies and external developers the minimum tools they need to test their soft on the Harmony VM (and get a chance to actually do something - not just: 'it does not work' -
if it does not work the way they planned it) might be a big ROI,
comparatively small effort.

That's an entirely different kettle of fish, and I support that.

A VM without the bare minimum support tools might appear a bit useless to many people (and also impractical to test with an ergonomic, long- lasting experience of beautiful-looking piece of software). If you take, say, the FreeBSD case, you don’t have much choice for instance for the VM you use with your favorite IDE, so that ipso facto you stick with the VM you get in stock (because the other VMs might be good, but if it’s a nightmare to reconfigure it all to use your VM of choice with your favorite IDE...), just
like IE sticks with many win$ users.

I don't understand this argument. If our J2SE implementation is feature-comparable to the one from Sun, IBM or BEA, why would we need to add Eclipse onto it?

As a use case, if I want to test a piece of software, well I would like it
to be kind of "download it and play".

Yes! So we go out there and get everyone to bundle with our J2SE distribution. We go there, do the work, and help them. :)


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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