I thought it might be helpful to clarify some terminology and a few
technical issues.  Corrections/improvements/clarifications welcome ;-)

VM core

 The precise composition of the VM core is open to discussion and
 debate.  However, I think a safe, broad definition of it is that
 part of the VM which brings together the major components such as
 JITs, classloaders, scheduler, and GC.  It's the hub in the wheel
 and is responsible for the main VM bootstrap (bootstrapping the
 classloader, starting the scheduler, memory manager, compiler etc).

VM bootstrap

 The bootstrap of the VM has a number of elements to it, including
 gathering command line arguments, and starting the various
 components (above).

In the context of a Java-in-Java VM, the above is all written in Java.

VM boot image

 The boot image is an image of a VM heap constructed ahead of time
 and populated with Java objects including code objects corresponding
 to the VM core and other elements of the VM necessary for the VM
 bootstrap (all written in Java, compiled ahead of time, packaged
 into Java objects and composed into a boot image).  The boot image
 construction phase requires a working host VM (ideally the VM is

VM bootloader

 In the case of Jikes RVM a dozen or so lines of assember and a few
 lines of C are required to basically do the job of any boot loader
 loader---mmap a boot image and throw the instruction pointer into
 it.  It will also marshal argv and make it available to the VM core.
 This is technically interesting, but actually pretty trivial and has
 little to do with the VM core (aside from ensuring the instruction
 pointer lands a nice place within the boot image ;-)

OS interface

 The VM must talk to the OS (for file IO, signal handling, etc).
 There is not a whole lot to it, but a Java wrapper around OS
 functionality is required if the VM is java-in-java.  This wrapper
 is pretty trivial and one half of it will (by necessity) be written
 in C.

I hope this brief sketch provides folks with a slightly clearer view
of what a java-in-java VM looks like, and some (tentitive) terminology
we can use to ensure we're not talking at cross purposes.



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