Heh, well, depends on the particular one I suppose. :-)

I don't know that it's important to be notified of each new interested party. I imagine we will get many thousands of them (ok, maybe not, but we can hope anyways). Maybe having separate messages for edits is overkill. Is there some way to have it post
summaries or a digest at reasonable intervals instead?


On May 24, 2005, at 9:38 AM, Matt Benson wrote:

--- Craig Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, please.  Not sure if these are really valuable

What, "People"? :)



On May 24, 2005, at 8:33 AM, dan sinclair wrote:

Can these either be turned off or sent to another

list? They seem

to generate a lot of email that isn't related to

the topic at hand.


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