> [Original Message]
> From: Mladen Turk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org>
 > Date: 5/24/05 5:41:28 AM
> Subject: Re: Sun lashes out at open source J2SE
> Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

> > Eh.

> > 

> > Lets just keep to our purpose and message of compatibility and  

> > openness.


> When we move from 'enthusiasm' to the 'project' more and more

> 'doubts' will be seen :)

As we move along, we _must_ remember the
little ditty attributed to Henry Ford:

    "Success is going from one failure to the next
    without loss of enthusiasm."

Let's remember that we are at this point
an assemblage of disparate but interested
professionals.  We don't have to get
_everything_ right the first time, but
we do need to build a community of the

Notice a regular theme in this list being
to build community first, tinker in the
sandbox second, and build something third,
(goto step 2 until finished, and reinforce
step 1 where necessary).

We're gonna get things WRONG from time to
time, but if we're a community, we'll get
errors corrected and build it RIGHT.

In all our enthusiasm, in all our doubts,
let's be patient while we are jumping in
to our next failure, because eventually
WE WILL SUCCEED if we keep at it....

Just thought y'all needed that!


> Let's just play our song and let others have all the doubts they wish.


> Regards,

> Mladen.

Dan Lydick

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