Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Doesn't this imply that the GNU Classpath interface should add a second API that *it* should comply with for symmetry? That way you don't get dependencies on GNU Classpath internals?

I've been a bystander in this discussion as I know very little about the class library issues. There were obviously a lot of concerns being discussed in this thread, but I'd just like to respond briefly to the above...

It brings to mind some of the portability/modularity issues we've been wrestling with (at great length) with MMTk and the interdependence between the memory manager and the VM. Our solution is not earth shattering, but it evolved out of a very long struggle with issues like the one Geir is alluding to above.

In the end, our "interface" is not in the form of a simple API, but of reciprocal packages implemented on the MM and VM sides of the fence. So we have org.mmtk.vm, which captures all VM-specific dependencies, leaving the rest of MMTk's packages (the bulk of the code) strictly VM-neutral.

We have a generic template implementation of the org.mmtk.vm package which serves to define the interface, and against which a VM-neutral mmtk.jar is built. Each VM then provides a VM-specific implementation of this package which binds into that VM's services (such as the way that VM identifies roots for collection, supports mmap(), defines the size of an address, or whatever...).

At this stage we only have one example in cvs, but there are two others in various states of development (jnode, which is actively being developed & Rotor which is a little out of date right now).

(the stub directory defines the package abstractly, the JikesRVM directory has the Jikes RVM - specific implementation)

We want this to be symmetric, so that the VM has a similar arrangement whereby it can support various memory managers by having each of them implement some package. We have not yet cleaned up this aspect of Jikes RVM, but it is on our short list of planned cleanups. MOre generally, we want to use this model in a complete componentization of Jikes RVM.


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