On 07-06-2005 23:55, "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, as part of the Apache Harmony project, we keep a registry of
> all 'bulk' contributions.


> Second, any contribution by an individual committer that is "bulk" -
> a quantity of code that is "re-purposed", "re-licensed" or "re-
> contributed", e.g. any bit of code that had been used elsewhere - be
> also registered as such.


> 3) All Authors Are Committers
>      If you did not write the material yourself, are all of
>      the authors committers to Apache Harmony and authorized to
>      participate in the related project component? If not,
>      then you should not submit this Contribution, although the
>      Corporate Contributor License Agreement may apply.

I think we may want to define or stick to a definition of "contributor". We
may have people signing a CLA and/or a code grant but not wanting to become
a committer (maybe they've lost interest in the code alltogether), nor would
you want people to get committer priviledges and responsibilities just be
throwing some code at us.

> Comments?

Looks pretty good, but what a pain to implement! :-)

I think we should strive to maximize throughput of this process. Using SVN
is a good example, perhaps having some commandline tools to aid all this
makes sense as well.


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