On Jun 8, 2005, at 12:07 AM, Phillip Rhodes wrote:

Sven de Marothy wrote:

Geir.. I really don't get your position here. The way I read your arguments are: Harmony should spend time and energy
implementing Sun's class library interface, which is proprietary,
closed-source, unspecified, may change at any time and requires a
licensing agreement with Sun to be practically useful.
And if Harmony doesn't spend time on this, it'd be 'willfully
restricting' the ability of users?
I really don't view it that way. I view it as 'Is it worth spending
effort on this?'.

Just to keep things clear, no one suggested we spend time to implement Sun's class library interface.


I don't claim to know the final word on the subject by any means... but my gut feeling is that almost nobody is going to want/need to download Harmony and then use a different class lib that the one that's included. If we pass the TCK and make a quality product (VM + Classlib) I believe people will either download and use it, or not download and use it, as a whole. I have a very difficult time seeing the need for spending a lot
of time worrying about allowing people to switch out classlibraries.

I can see some very unlikely edge cases that might prompt somebody to mix-n-match classlibs and VMs, but it doesn't strike me as being a
particularly important feature.

For end-users, you are right. They'll want to get our distribution, and just use it.

However, not everyone will be an end user - people take apache software all the time and create derivative works, and that is one of our constituencies here.



North Carolina - First In Freedom

Free America - Vote Libertarian

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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