OSGi is really nice to work, but I doubt it can be used within the
class library. Most code except that a JVM will create at most 2
classloader, the bootstrap classloader (which can be null) and the
application classloader.

On 6/9/05, Richard S. Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> > Heh.  I agree.  I just was too busy in the VM/class library fire-
> > fight :)
> Yes, perhaps you have just signed the death notice for this discussion
> too. ;-)
> > So, given that my foray into architecture discussion was such a
> > stunning success, would you like to start the discussion of such a
> > thing might be approached?  (Please change the subject, of course...)
> We can try.
> I have to admit up front that I know nothing about implementing a VM,
> but I do have some knowledge about class loaders, having worked on an
> OSGi framework implementation for a few years.
> My view of the OSGi framework is that it really serves as a nice,
> dynamic module layer for Java in general and its service-oriented
> approach is a good way to structure applications. This has been my
> approach to using/evangelizing the OSGi framework since I started with
> it back in 2000. I recognize that the "dynamic" and "service-oriented"
> parts of the OSGi framework are probably of little relevance to a JVM
> implementation, so I will try not to discuss them.
> However, having said that, I do think that the dynamic aspects could be
> very interesting, because they would allow the JVM to dynamically deploy
> and update modules as needed. That is all I will say about dynamics, I
> promise. :-)
> My view on packaging class libraries is rather simplistic, but it has
> worked for many OSGi users. The approach is to package libraries into
> JAR files, where the JAR file is an explicit module boundary. Each
> module has metadata describing the packages it exports and imports (and
> version information). A module JAR file may include classes, resources,
> and native code.
> Module JAR files are not directly made available via something like the
> CLASSPATH, instead the module system reads the metadata for each module
> (i.e., its export and import information) and resolves a given module's
> imports to the available exports from other modules. A class loader is
> created for each module and the module class loaders form a graph, where
> edges represent an import-to-export resolution.
> All classes of a given module are loaded by its own class loader. Any
> classes from an imported package are loaded from the class loader of the
> module that exports that package and to which the import was resolved.
> In this fashion, the class delegation pattern among modules is a graph,
> not a hierarchy...although the concept of a hierarchy of class loaders
> still exists since it is built into the ClassLoader class.
> Depending on how you wanted to implement the module system, you could
> make the module containing the "java.*" packages special in the sense
> that its class loader is the parent of all other module class loaders
> and that modules do not need to explicitly import from it (which is the
> approach used by OSGi). However, there is still possibly value in
> requiring that modules do import those packages for version resolution
> purposes.
> As an example of all of this, consider this fictitious metadata for
> packaging some libraries as modules (these example will not include all
> of the real packages to keep things short):
> Module-Name: Core
> Export-Package: java.lang; exclude:="VM*"; version=1.5.0,
>    java.io; java.util; version=1.5.0
> Native-Code: lib/libfoo.so; // I won't go into any syntax here :-)
> This module is the core Java class library. It exports "java.lang", but
> excludes exporting any classes from it whose name starts with "VM". The
> "VM*" classes will be visible inside the module, but not to modules that
> import "java.lang". Of course, excluding these classes wouldn't be
> necessary if the "VM*" classes were package private. However, this
> features allows you to make them public if you want. Another approach
> that would be enabled is to just move the "VM*" classes to a different
> package and make them public and simply not export that package, which
> won't allow other modules to access them either.
> [A side note about the syntax above: The syntax differentiates between
> framework directives using the ":=" token, versus importer matching
> attributes using the "=" token. Matching attributes are used by
> importers to select exporters; see next example.]
> Continuing with two more simple module examples:
> Module-Name: OMG CORBA
> Export-Package: org.omg.CORBA; org.omg.CORBA.portable; \
>    version=1.5.0
> Module-Name: Javax RMI
> Export-Package: javax.rmi; javax.rmi.CORBA \
>    version=1.5.0
> Import-Package: org.omg.CORBA; org.omg.CORBA.portable; \
>    version="[1.5.0,1.6.0)"
> The first module exports the CORBA packages, whereas the second one
> imports the CORBA packages and exports the javax.rmi packages. The
> import for the CORBA packages specifies a matching version range of
> 1.5.0<=x<1.6.0, under the assumption that micro version number changes
> are backwards compatible.
> Assuming that all of the various libraries are packaged up using similar
> metadata, then you can imagine a simple approach where all of the
> modules are placed into some directory and when the module system
> starts, it scans the directory and does a consistency check and makes
> sure it can successfully resolve all imports to exports, etc.
> For backwards compatibility, a "system class loader" could be created
> that delegated to all of the module class loaders, to get the current
> boot class path type of approach. The application class loader would
> then have this "system class loader" as its parent, so it could access
> everything on the boot class path, as expected.
> I admit that I have not given as much thought to this very last part,
> since the OSGi framework doesn't have to do such stuff, but at first
> blush it seems reasonable. Even then, it would still be nice if somehow
> this module layer could be exposed, so that applications could be
> written with it in mind if they so desired.
> All of the above stuff (and more) is basically functioning in some form
> in my current alpha release of Oscar 2.0:
>    http://oscar.objectweb.org/oscar-alpha.html
> I await the list's wrath.  :-)
> -> richard
> >
> > geir
> >
> > On Jun 8, 2005, at 3:01 PM, Richard S. Hall wrote:
> >
> >> Apparently, only you and I agree.  ;-)
> >>
> >> Dalibor Topic wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Richard S. Hall wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> To me, this is the point. I would like to see all of the  libraries
> >>>> built on to of the JVM to be packaged in a more module- like
> >>>> fashion, so that their exports and imports are explicit.  There
> >>>> would be many benefits if this were done, rather than  relying on
> >>>> the current approach of assuming that everything is  accessible.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> +1
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> So, from my point of view, it is definitely going in the right
> >>>> direction to make libraries understand which class loader they
> >>>> should use to get to their own "module's" classes, as opposed to
> >>>> just assuming they can get them from any application class loader.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> +1 to that, too.
> >>>
> >>> cheers,
> >>> dalibor topic
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >

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