Hi all,

Please note that I'm not by any means trying to raise a debate of any kind 
I'm just trying to brain dump some thoughts about future development 

I thought I'd share a "strange" thought that bubbled up in my mind while i 
was in the metro (aka the underground or the tube). I think what stimulated 
this idea are a set of articles i read about interoperability between java 
and .net. The emphasize here is on code-level interoperability not through 
any XML-based protocols (web services). Another thing is how each of the two 
platforms is trying to port in the best of the other. From tools or 
libraries (Ant -> NAnt, JUnit -> NUnit, etc) to Web development paradigms (
ASP.NET <http://ASP.NET> WebForms -> J2EE JSF). I know the that under the 
hood WebForms and JSF are totally different but they essentially deliver the 
same: Web applications based on an event model with Page Controllers and can 
be visually designed by drag-and-dropping components in a visual editor. The 
two platforms are heading to the same place: productivity, performance, 
completeness. Did i miss somthing? oh yeah, being Cross-Platform. Both Java 
and .NET are built around machines abstraction runtimes. Sun offcially 
release JREs/JDKs for Windows, Linux and Solaris. Microsoft? .NET only for 
Windows ( but the shared source CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) can be 
build on Windows, FreeBSD and Mac OS X [
Mono [http://www.go-mono.com] is taking, driven by Novell, .NET development 
on Unix-likes by a storm. Let's get back to our code-level interoperability 
talk. I think i only have to mention two projects to get to my point: the 
.NET-based JVM implementation known as IKVM [http://www.ikvm.net/] (which 
ships now with Mono) which makes such interoperability a snap, and 
Mainsoft's Grasshopper [http://www.mainsoft.com/], quoting their site:
"Grasshopper is a Visual Studio .NET(r) plug-in, which enables you to use C# 
or Visual Basic .NET(r) to develop cross-platform ASP.NET
<http://ASP.NET>applications that run on Linux
(r) and any platform running Apache Tomcat."

Now i finally come to the strange idea. What if someday, somehow, somewhere 
we come to the point where a platform could be developed atop these 
platforms!! Let's call it PX or Png (sure that would be a "next generation" 
platform :). So you write applications for PX and using PX Class Library 
(which is will be engineered to provide unified interface to the underlying 
Java/.NET class library)

I know it's a totally weird idea but who knows!!! Comments are welcome, for 
sure, and you all have a nice day. 


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