> On Jul 8, 2005, at 5:46 AM, Tim Ellison wrote:
> > Can we reach a concensus on getting something started on Windows/
> > x86 and Linux/i386 initially (as the popular development platforms)?

On 7/10/05, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That works for me, but we'll be adding OS X as that's my platform,
> and I suspect for now will be my problem :)

I'm also using OS X as my personal dev platform, so I'll help with this "problem" as I can.

And a big problem it is. If we go with GNU Classpath as the basis of the Harmony API, AWT and Swing will depend on GTK+ 2.4 being installed on OSX, through DarwinPorts or Fink. And X11 needs to be running to display the GTK+ based widgets. Note I'm not putting GNU Classpath down, the GTK+ problem is more an issue with OSX not having an Aqua implementation of GTK+ 2.x.

In my not so humble opinion, SwingWT is a better alternative, as it uses SWT to implement Swing. SWT on Unixen and Linux, it uses either Motif or GTK+ 2.0. The lower requirement means it can run on Debian Woody, for example, with OpenMotif. With GTK+ 2.0, it can run on RedHat Linux 7.0 and variants. These are still deployed in some parts of the world. We don't want to leave those users without a fully-certified FOSS JVM, do we?

And on Windows and Mac OS, SWT uses native widgets. So the majority of those users don't have to go through complicated or unnecessary installations/incantations just to run a fully-certified FOSS JVM.

This is just the top usability problem when trying to build and run SableVM and GNU Classpath on OSX the other day. There are build problems still to be resolved "the right way" (I just hacked the makefiles to get it to build, and had to use Fink to get many of the requirement packages, as they weren't part of the base OSX full dev tools install.)

Again, just my not so humble opinion. Flame-retardant suit is on order for next-day delivery. :-)

PJ Cabrera
< pjcabrera at snapplatform dot org >

SNAP Platform - The only totally open
source integrated Java Dev Environment

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