On Aug 11, 2005, at 1:26 AM, Nazilin wrote:

Hi All,

I have been reading many emails in this forumn. I am first time in an open source venture. I would also like to contribute, but don't know how. I
have two suggestions.

   1. There are few people who came forward to contribute towards the
"harmony". It would be good one of us make a list of them and categorize them according to their skills and interests. This suggestion may be out of synch with the "open source philosophy". But if we know our strength we can plan and accomplish the goal better. The volunteers can do quick coding of
proof of concept model or some other short term tasks.

Great - something for the wiki?

   2. It would be great some one send weekly newsletter in this forumn
summarizing (or listing) the emails exchanged in the week.

Thanks and Regards

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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