Thread suspension happens in many situations in JVM, such as for GC,
for java.lang.Thread.suspend(), etc. There are various techniques to
suspend a thread. Basically we can classify them into two categories:
preemptive and voluntary.

The preemptive approach requires the suspender, say a GC thread,
suspend the execution of a target thread asynchronously with IPC
mechanism or OS APIs. If the suspended thread happened to be in a
region of code (Java or native) that could be enumerated, the live
references were collected. This kind of region is called safe-region,
and the suspended point is a safe-point. If the suspended point is not
in safe-region, the thread would be resumed and stopped again until it
ended up in a safe-region randomly or on purpose.

In the other approach that we are now considering, JIT will insert
code that polls a boolean. The boolean can be thread-specific and  is
set true by GC thread or VM if there is a need to prevent the Java
thread's forward progress. The JIT will put the polling code in such
places as back-edges, call sites and method returns. Actually we are
thinking of this mechnism in a more general sense. For example,
green-threads can be implemented in this way for Java threads to
downcall into JVM scheduler.

Does anyone have suggestions/data on better approaches?


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