On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 10:26:55PM +0200, Mail Delivery Subsystem wrote:
> From: Dalibor Topic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Classpath .18 release
> David Tanzer wrote:
> >* Kaffee:
> Close, but it's a single e. Think swedish, not german. ;)
> (Kaffe & kaffe@kaffe.org)
> >I'll then subscribe to the suggested lists and maybe just read them for
> >a week or two before I decide what I'll do (i.e. for which lists I want
> >to write summaries).
> I'd suggest using gmane, that saves you the subscribing/unsubscribing 
> hassle.
> >I'm not sure if I really want to summarize all the
> >mailing lists which would be interesting for harmony, since this could
> >be *really much* work, so if someone wants to volunteer for helping me
> >with that we'll surely find a way to contribute ;-)
> Most of the traffic on the Kaffe list these days is about patches going 
> in, bug reports, and support for new features and non-mainstream 
> platforms. Given that it essentially works fine, but doesn't work 
> perfectly yet on all possible platforms (of the 50-60 or so in the CVS), 
> that's what people usually hack on. I guess a lot of the mailing list 
> traffic on our list can be summarized within a few sentences per thread.
> >I think it would be good to make two different series -- "This week on
> >harmony-dev" as it is and something like "This week in related projects"
> >with summaries of the development in the sister projects. We could post
> >both article series here and at my homepage (and of course on other
> >mailing lists who are interested too).
> And on planet.classpath.org, of course. ;)
> cheers,
> dalibor topic

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