Weldon Washburn wrote:

I just posted the basics of the GC/VM interface to
http://wiki.apache.org/harmony/HarmonyArchitecture.  The VM calls into
the GC using gc_interface.txt.  The GC calls into the VM using
Thanks Weldon, it makes very interesting reading. I've posted a description of MMTk's VM interface on my web page, http://cs.anu.edu.au/people/Robin.Garner/, for comparison. This is the GC -> VM interface.

As described in my thesis (although if you want to read it, remember it is now nearly 2 years out of date, and MMTk has moved on - link is also on my ANU web page), we follow a "wedge" model of the interface, rather than specifying a simple flat API. So while JikesRVM (and Rotor and JNode) have a definite API that they code to, there is a package that translates this to fit the services MMTk offers. And that's a large set, not yet documented (beyond source and javadoc in any case).

I'm going to look more closely at the interface you've posted, and will probably have more questions in a short while, but my first impressions/questions are: - The interface seems tightly coupled to ORP and Sapphire. For example, since there aren't any API calls to do it, I presume the GC knows how the object header is laid out ? And knows about something called a vtable ? - It's not explicitly specified in the API, but I assume gc_alloc_fast is inlined (or is a macro) ? - Doesn't supporting gc_pin_object restrict the GC implementation significantly ? - I was under the impression ORP doesn't yet support weak references or finalizers. There appears to be support for the GC to tell the VM about reference types, but not the other way round. Is this right ? Or is this the gc_add_weak_root_set_entry call ? - How does the VM enumerate the thread stacks ? Is this the gc_add_root_set_entry call ?

Do you have any documentation specifying what else the GC talks to ? I'm assuming that for its own synchronization, interfacing with the OS (mmap etc) it talks directly with the OS, glibc etc.


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