On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 10:00 +0100, Tim Ellison wrote:
> David Tanzer wrote:
> > .... Later
> > this week, Rodrigo Kumpera contributed a JVM he has written in Java.
> > ...
> AFAIK Rodrigo hasn't contributed his VM (yet), but made a generous offer
> [1] to donate "if is desirable".  I'd say that it *is* desirable to have
> Rodrigo's contribution as the seed for a Java-based VM study.

You are right, thank you for this hint. I have corrected it in the blog.


> Of course, since the summary was written we also got a contribution from
> archie [2] of key parts of the JCVM (= JCHE).
> Regards,
> Tim
> [1]
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-harmony-dev/200509.mbox/[EMAIL
> [2]
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-harmony-dev/200509.mbox/[EMAIL
David Tanzer, Haghofstr. 29, A-3352 St. Peter/Au, Austria/Europe
http://deltalabs.at -- http://dev.guglhupf.net -- http://guglhupf.net
My PGP Public Key: http://guglhupf.net/david/david.asc
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