On Sep 29, 2005, at 10:24 AM, Peter Edworthy wrote:

0 - Not got time to check the code at the moment

2) I normally would put a 3 day review period, but this code is small
and I want to use this to test the process

Can we go for an any objections version then ?

I don't understand the question. If there are objections, feel free to state.

Note that this isn't a vote on making a technology decision, but only a vote on whether or not we want to bring this code into our svn repository. I'm sorry I wasn't clear about that.

Again - this is about us bringing the code in, not making a commitment to use it in the project, or any judgement about it's technical feasability or usefulness. that's a broader discussion.

Or prohaps only email Geir?

Anything that is discussion about the technology should be on the dev list. Any concerns that one would be uncomfortable discussing in public that are relevant to the project as a whole should go to harmony-ppmc, and if it's a personal issue - maybe you wish to call me a putz or something - either personal or /dev/null :)


Just seems like a lot of mail


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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