
Over the last few days as we have all been discussing
heap and GC, I have been growing mroe curious by the
hour about what you see as a design critique of the GC
hooks I defined.  Perhaps I am taking it a bit too simplistically,
but all I did was define a GC hook anywhere an object or
array reference or a class load or unload happened.  How
does your concept differ?  And what sort of approach should
be used instead.  GC is a completely new area to me and I
am very interested in learning about what could be done.
One of these days I'm going to read the standard (Jones?)
book on JVM garbage collecition, but not today.

Even if you don't have your proposal ready now, I'm still
interested in hearing how you approach the foundation of
GC design and how you would approach it on this JVM.

Dan Lydick

-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Garner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 20, 2005 2:24 PM
To: Apache Harmony Bootstrap JVM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Questions about GC implementations

Hi Dan,

I'm keeping up with e-mail in between OOPSLA talks right now, so it
doesn't give me much time :)

I think I understand where the interfaces fit in, and (not to put too fine
a point on it) I think they need to be thrown out real quick, and replaced
with a unified heap manager interface.  I'm sketching out how that needs
to work, but it's probably not something that should be done in too much
of a hurry.

I hope to have some kind of draft to the list tomorrowish.


> Robin,
> You asked a number of questions about GC on this JVM
> recently.  Have I answered everything to your satisfaction?
> I would like to discuss with you the possibilities for writing
> one or more algorithms.  What are your recent thoughts
> on this subject?
> Dan Lydick

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