Sure, let?s all just forget about cheese-burgers & fries and start eating vegetables because they are really healthy food and sustain as any other one (:-P). You could still use vi (i some times do), as you can still program asc under 8086, but if you really want to increase your productivity start using a UI. There are a lot of tools to write C/C++ code, i basically use LCC to develop C plain code, but Eclipse CDT is a very good UI, you will only have to download a C/C++ compiler (CDT dosen?t come with a compiler) like gcc, or even MVC++ running under wine (or something like that, i don?t know any one who actually used MVC under wine).

Andy, dont get mad at me, this is just my point of view, and i tend to admire oldies (:-)) who are still running things under vi. work at IBM....<insert appropriate comment about OS/390, AIX, and JCL here>

I use vi because one of my first professional jobs was working in Alabama at a state government place. I'd been working on OS/2 and had little exposure to UNIX. When I sat down and had to change a few config files I looked up at this crusty ol' programmer and said "what's the editor called on this thing"... he got visibly annoyed with me and said "Son, I don know how they do things up* there in Florida, but you in the Bible belt now. There are two things you need to know: God created the world in 6 days, and he did it with VEEEEE, EYYYYYYEEE."

Since I couldn't argue with that impeccable logic my love affair with things that did not make me wait began. I'm only now beginning to use IDEs with Java due to annotations and things, but you have to is slowwwwwwwwww. and gets in your way.


* Florida is one of those states that every true southerner knows is in a time-space warp. While it is actually "up there" in the North with all those yankees, one must drive below "the south" to get there. Thus although I grew up in a state that most folks would locate on the globe "south", I will never have the honor of being a true southerner because I grew up "north" in Florida. There are alternative theories of how Florida got "down there" (which is really "up there") many of which theorize that it had premonition of Castro and broke off of Cuba and ran smack into the southern border of the US a few millenia before Castro was born (just for safe measure). What is important is that proper 'merican is spoken in Florida and the English language is properly normalized to have a plural form of "you" best known as "Y'all" and that it can be properly typed on a US keyboard without straining your fingersr too far off the "home row".

[]s Jo?o

There is a certain bias I have that tends to think that visual programmers do not tend to be able to write compilers and the such. If command lines are a barrier to entry, wait till you meet hexcodes and relocatable memory addressing. However that may just be that I'm a command line junkie and a bit of a techno-bigot.


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