Hi David,

On Fri, 2005-10-21 at 16:58 +0200, David Tanzer wrote:
> I'm not worried about Java code we write, because I assume everyone
> agrees to use the Java Coding Conventions from Sun [1] here. Much of the
> development in Harmony is done in C at the moment, and we need a coding
> style guide here too.

I have never seen that coding convention. But for GNU Classpath we use a
coding convention that mimics the standard (GNU) C and C++ coding
convention as closely as possible. This has as advantage that code
written in different programming languages looks similar across the
projects. I would recommend that other projects adopt that since we have
written so much code that conforms to this standard already. See

I do note that coding conventions are something that lots of people have
an opinion on. And in general they quickly turn into bike shed (*)
discussions. So I would just state one convention and stick with it.




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