+1, "enthusiastically"

As I was passing through Toronto recently I noticed a large Harmony logo
from these guys:

...have to bear that in mind as the preferred airlne for the first
Harmony user conference ;-)


Leo Simons wrote:
> Hi gang!
> The "open" in "open source" refers to more than the source code.
> I saw a thread a while back where Geir was jokingly referred to as
> a "leader", "boss", etc. I understand it was just a joke but I figured
> I'd write some more words about this as some people reading along might
> not fully understand the joke :-)
> When we say "we're all peers here", we take that *very* seriously,
> as in, the reverse of that situation would be a *big* problem. Its
> just that some people have, through merit (and filling out all the
> right forms :-)), gained committer privileges (and responsibilities!),
> whereas others have not (yet!).
> Since Geir is one of the people who has been working hard on all
> this since before the beginning and is consistently putting a lot of
> time into harmony right now, he's been very "visible". But all the people
> around here are free to step up to help fulfill any or all of the
> tasks he's been taking care of. Trust me, Geir would really really love
> it if someone handled some of the tasks he's been taking care of :-)
> Similarly, it seems we're getting a lot of interest and work on the
> BootJVM stuff now (wee! Cool! Actual code :-)), and since Dan wrote
> that originally, you'll see him answer a lot of the questions, enter
> a lot of the discussions, etc. Just a very natural result of him
> knowing a lot about the code and the decisions made while writing it
> initially. However, its no longer "his" code, its "our" code, and anyone
> is at any time welcome to do exactly the same, or a lot more. Like
> contribute another JVM implementation. We (which by virtue of you
> reading this includes you!) can decide where to go.
> Final example. I know little about C or C++ and try to know as little
> as possible about legal stuff, so I've mostly been talking about
> "community" bits here and writing some emails every now and then.
> That's a very "immaterial" contribution and no-one is sure it always
> matters even one little bit. But I'm free to talk about it anyway, just
> as everyone else is.
> We have set ourselves this goal of a compliant J2SE implementation,
> and if you feel there is some way that you could help or contribute,
> you don't have to "ask" first (well perhaps you need to ask your
> day job boss :-)), you just get started (hacking code, fixing bugs,
> sending in patches, fixing spelling mistakes, translating or writing
> documentation, participating in design discussion, posting interesting
> links, shouting enthusiastic "+1"s when someone has a proposal you
> strongly agree with, providing links to interesting bits of stuff
> related to "our cause", reviewing patches and suggesting better ways
> to write the same patch, writing emails such as this one, getting a
> lawyer to review our contribution policies and getting back with
> feedback about it, writing a weekly newsletter, designing a logo,
> writing a wiki page with fun puns on the word "harmony", making the
> website look more pretty, taking pictures or video footage of real
> life "harmony" events and making them available, etc etc etc etc)!
> Welcome to Apache! :-)
> - LSD


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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