
On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 18:49 -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> > I've not worked on a project this large before and it's quite  
> > daunting to be faced with the whole project all at once.
> And this is only going to get worse.  What we're seeing is the tiny,  
> pointy little tip of the iceberg :)  People are going to pine for the  
> days when things were so quiet and simple.

:) I have trouble keeping up already!
We seem to be making enormous progress the last couple of months.

> Take a look at the toolsuite - see what catches your interest.

Good point! That was what I had forgotten in my previous email.
Here is the list of tools projects that I am aware of:

- compiler: Several candidates.
  - jikes http://www.jikes.org/
    Fast an pretty compliant source to byte code compiler written in
    C++. Ideal for bootstrapping a system quickly.
  - ecj http://www.eclipse.org/
    The compiler of the Eclipse project. Written in java. Some people
    are surprised that this compiler can be used stand alone. But it
    actually is the default compiler on Fedora Core systems now.
    (Compiled with gcj no native code to make it as fast, if not faster
     then jikes). Already supports most of the 1.5 language constructs.
  - gcj(x) http://gcc.gnu.org/java/ and http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GCJX
    This is not just a source to byte code compiler, but also a gcc
    frontend so that it can produce native code. gcjx, the next
    generation gcj, will also be able to generate jni and cni header
    files from source. And will support the new 1.5 language constructs.
    (Tom Tromey, who is on this list is the main developer, so I will
     let him hype it some more.)

- javadoc replacement.
  - gjdoc http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/cp-tools/
  This is the GNU documentation generation framework for java source
  files. It should be command line compatible with javadoc and comes
  with a full Taglet and Doclet interface. We use it to generate the
  documentation on http://developer.classpath.org/doc/
  (Julian Scheid does most of the work on this these days.)
  There is also texidoclet A "doclet" for converting comments into GNU
  TexInfo source.

- browser plug-in.
  - gcjwebplugin and gcjappletviewer http://www.nongnu.org/gcjwebplugin/
  Despite the name it isn't gcj specific. I have been told the name
  actually stands for "Groovy Cool Jive". It works nicely with mozilla.
  It does depend on the GNU EmbeddedWindow awt extensions that GNU
  Classpath provides.
  (Michael Koch and Thomas Fitzsimmons work on this. Sven de Marothy is
   writing Qt-AWT-peers to make embedding into konqueror on the KDE
   platform nicer.)

- jar replacement.
  - fastjar as shipped with gcc.
  - kaffe jar.
  Both seem pretty complete. What seems to be missing is a good
  testsuite for all the corner cases.

- javah replacement.
  - gcjh as shipped with gcc. Written in C which makes bootstrapping
    easier in some cases.
  - kaffeh as shipped with kaffe. There were recently lots of bug fixes
    here. Written in java.
  - javah as shipped with GNU Classpath Tools, written in java.
  - gcjx (as mentioned above) will be able to generate jni and cni
    headers from java source files. Written in C++.

- native2ascii replacement.
  - Kaffe, GNU Classpath Tools and gcc have this.
  All written in java. The one that comes with gcc is called jv-convert.

- javap replacement.
  - GNU Classpath Tools comes with a javap implementation in java.
  - GCC comes with jcf-dump written in C, which is a bit more powerful
    then the one in GNU Classpath Tools and is a really nice tool when
    bootstrapping stuff.

- serialver replacement.
  - GNU Classpath Tools comes with a very simple one written in java.

- rmic and rmiregistry
  - GNU Classpath Tools comes with grmic and grmiregistry.
    (These were recently rewritten by Archit Shah)
    Both are also shipped with gcc and kaffe.

- keytool
  - GNU Crypto contains an implementation by Casey Marshall.

GNU Classpath Tools also contains all kinds of utilities needed for
implemention the stuff above or the core libraries themselves that might
be interesting. See http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/cp-tools/

Hope there is something in that list you would like to hack on.



Escape the Java Trap with GNU Classpath!

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