Robert Lougher wrote:
> Hi,
> J2ME is split into two things, the VM specification and the profile. 
> MIDP is the profile, not the VM.  The VM follows either the CDC
> specification (Connected Device) or the CLDC specification (Connected
> Limited Device).  Here again, we now have two versions, 1.0 and 1.1
> (CLDC1.1 is specified in JSR 139).
> Most phones were originally CLDC1.0/MIDP1.0.  However, newer devices
> are all MIDP2.0.  CLDC 1.0 was integer only, but 1.1 supports
> floating-point.  It also supports weak references -- this is a subset
> of the J2SE weak reference classes, so the gap is getting smaller.

So you'd want to target MIDP2.0 for an implementation, and everything
for a development environment and emulator, as MIDP1.0 phones are still
on sale and will be used for years to come.

I found this paper on the virtual machine... looks like they are
doing/trying to do JIT:

David N. Welton

Linux, Open Source Consulting

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