Darn, I wanted to add one more thing --

Dan's been doing exactly this with the bootjvm code. Subscribing to the commits
list (http://incubator.apache.org/harmony/mailing.html) hence is very 
if you're looking to get involved but don't know how yet, start reading along ;)


On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 07:20:06PM +0100, Leo Simons wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 10:50:33AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I've been evaluating Jean-Frederic's configuration proposal and finishing up
> > on the core JVM code.  I should have a _complete_ code base by the end of
> > next week.
> Whoah, cool! <joke>I thought we'd take years</joke> :-)
> As an aside (I seem to only be about asides. I did buy a C++ book this 
> weekend!),
> I'm not sure if everyone around is used to working with "centralized" version
> control as opposed to a more distributed system where people have local trees
> (as with arch or similar) that frequently merge...there's every now and then
> some big debate about which process is best. In any case, Apache projects 
> pretty
> much always have a very centralized approach. That means making small changes 
> and
> checking in those every so often. When I'm working fulltime on a codebase, I 
> tend
> to do a commit roughly every 30 minutes to an hour. And an update right 
> before.
> If several developers do that the trunk rolls along quite quickly and there's 
> loads
> of micro-merges.
> I'd like to encourage everyone to do things that way, especially with young 
> codebases.
> Everyone reading along with the commit messages (and trust me, there's quite 
> a few)
> can get a feel for how you develop the codebase and learn from it. Its how I 
> learned
> to program in the first place :-). Also important with harmony, is that 
> smaller
> chunks of commit messages help us make sure (and trivially prove) that we're 
> working
> with freshly developed code instead of stuff pasted from elsewhere.
> ciao!
> Leo

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