On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 04:50:28PM +0100, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> In a way all these existing projects (classpath, kaffe, gcj, cacao,
> jamvm, ikvm, sablevm, etc) are just forks of each other (or mergers of
> other projects). And they do even compete! But when you have enough
> dedicated enthusiastic people and technical direction around a project
> forks and re-merges are just part of the development process. We are
> constantly seeing new forks popup and then later merge stuff back in. A
> healthy diverse ecosystem is the best cure for fork-angst.

You know, at apache, usually we don't see all that many forks at all. Most
of our projects tend to have just a single (sometimes two) trunks rolling
forward. We don't see a lot of microforks at all. There's lots of discussion
about this stuff on the web recently (again), painted as the centralized vs
the decentralized model:


for example at:


What apache does have a lot is multiple competing implementations of the same
thing (eg 10 web app frameworks, 2 logging implementations, 3 logging
abstractions, ...), and then we have some projects that aggregate those
things and you can swap them in and out (Re: struts, cocoon). (Oh, and then
everyone still wants to use hibernate :-)).

I'm really interested in what's going to happen at/with harmony in this


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