>> Some folks at Intel spent some time over the last week trying to
>> out whether or not it is going to work with the recent contribution
>> lang/util/io/net/nio packages by IBM, and the general consensus is
>> they, mostly, should be compatible. We have verified that it is
>> possible to run ant and the Eclipse compiler with this combination
>> we are committed to work with the community to get more complex
>> workloads to work under Harmony.
>We will work closely with you to resolve any issues you have to ensure
>the two contributions work well together.

Right now, we are sorting out the integration issues. We hope to
the problems shortly and mail them to harmony-dev list

Mikhail Loenko
Intel Managed Runtime Division

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 2:35 AM
>To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
>Subject: Re: Contribution of security, crypto, and x-net libraries
>This is very cool -- well done Mikhail and everyone at Intel involved
>producing this contribution.  The Harmony train(*) is leaving the
>station :-)
>(*) Ref: Geir's note to the list on Nov 8:
>"I think of Harmony as a big freight train and [an earlier]
>builds on the contributions of Dan, Archie,  David, and all the others
>and the train is starting to move.  The  nice thing about a lot of mass
>is that even small velocities result in very large momentum."
>Loenko, Mikhail Y wrote:
>> With pleasure I announce the first contribution to Harmony on behalf
>> Intel. The archive with the contribution is uploaded to the following
>> location:
>> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-16
>> The contribution includes the following things related to Java
>> 1) Java Security Architecture (public API)
>> 2) Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) and Java Cryptography
>> (JCE)
>> 3) Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)
>> 4) Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
>> 5) Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)
>> 6) GSS-API (JGSS)
>> 7) ASN.1 support framework and documentation for it.
>> The contribution does not include security providers and login
>> except for NT and UNIX login modules, provided as an example, and a
>> Certificate Factory provider.
>> We have tested this code with BouncyCastle, GNU-crypto, and JESSIE
>> third-party security providers.
>> The code is a result of efforts of Intel Managed Runtime Division
>> One should be able to run this code with a 1.4+ compatible JRE/VM (we
>> tested it with commercial JVMs). Classes that require special support
>> from the VM are not included into the contribution. This is, for
>> example, the reason why there isn't java.security.AccessController
>> class. The implementation is done according to Java 5 specification,
>> with the exception of where Java 5 specific language features, such
>> generics, are required. There are some package names starting with
>> com.openintel.*, but, should the contribution be accepted, these are
>> easy to rename.
>> Most of the code is pure Java, but where the native parts are
>> they are provided for Linux and Windows on IA-32 architecture.
>> Some folks at Intel spent some time over the last week trying to
>> out whether or not it is going to work with the recent contribution
>> lang/util/io/net/nio packages by IBM, and the general consensus is
>> they, mostly, should be compatible. We have verified that it is
>> possible to run ant and the Eclipse compiler with this combination
>> we are committed to work with the community to get more complex
>> workloads to work under Harmony.
>We will work closely with you to resolve any issues you have to ensure
>the two contributions work well together.
>> The archive contains the README file that explains the things doable
>> with this code, but should any additional clarification be required,
>> am ready to answer any questions. Please try this code out!
>> Mikhail Loenko,
>> Intel Managed Runtime Division
>Tim Ellison ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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