Instead of distributing from, we should think about making binary snapshots of Harmony stuff available for people to run and play with.

This isn't a release, of course, but just a binary snapshot of where we are for those that don't have the toolchains installed...


On Nov 21, 2005, at 11:59 AM, Archie Cobbs wrote:

Enrico Migliore wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how far is your code from a successful build
with MSVC on Win2000. That is, at the end of this work, I want to have a clear picture of which source files are 100% OS/architecture independent
and which are OS/architecture dependent.
One of the problem I'm facing right now, are the memory management functions
you call. for example, Windows doesn't have the mmap() function,
therefore, at the moment, I must supply a dummy mmap() implementation,
in order to proceed.
The other problem I got is that I don't have the files and the macros, generated
by the automake and autoconf tools, and I need them as a reference.
In order to for me to proceed I need to take a look at the source tree generated by automake and autoconf. Could anybody send me the tree built for Linux?

Try this... I built a distribution tarball from the current SVN sources:


______________________________________________________________________ ____ Archie Cobbs * CTO, Awarix * http://

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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